8 Reasons Why Dieting is not the solution..

According to the Boston Medical Center, about 45 million Americans claim to be on a diet each year. Not to mention a whopping $33 billion is spent each year on weight loss products. Yet, nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. So why is this ongoing uphill battle still an issue in the US? Because diets don’t work! 

I know what you’re thinking, why don’t they work? Why did it work for the girl at the office? The woman I follow on instagram? What does work? Well, let me give you some tips and tricks on how to steer clear of the fad trends and yoyo diets. 

  1. Do not give up the foods you love.  Restrictive diets will leave you wanting the foods you love even more and could result in bingeing behaviors.

  2. Nutrition is knowledge but eating is emotional. Diets may provide you with nutritional "guidance" but don't cover emotional coping strategies.

  3. Dieting guidelines are not always safe. Are those nutrition guidelines from evidence-based research? From credible sources? Sustainable? Are you still able to meet your body's nutrient needs to feel your best?

  4. Lack of sustainability. Diets may provide you initial satisfaction but only leave you feeling lost and confused on how to maintain your results once the "diet" is over.

  5. Dieting may alter your body’s natural state. Fad diets are most likely super restrictive and therefore manipulate your metabolism inefficiently-- also known as “METABOLIC ADAPTATION”, therefore once you eat " normally " you 're more likely to gain even more weight than pre-diet and it'll be 5x harder to lose weight in future diet attempts.

  6. Precursor for an eating disorder. Constant yo-yo dieting and weight cycling will increase eating disordered thoughts and behaviors which may increase chances of eating disorders. Its also important to note that I’m not just talking about a precursor for you..but for your KIDS who are watching you go through these yo-yo diets also.

  7. Your worth is dependent on a scale number. You become obsessed over what an inanimate object says and forget about things that matter more to your health, like sleep quality, stress management skills, emotional eating, hunger cues, and overall energy levels.

  8. Diets are just not FUN. In fact, they actually SUCK. They take over your thought process in things that bring you joy- holidays, events, dinner dates, etc. You become obsessive and guilty …. no, thank you!

Ok-- take a deep breathe because I just threw a number of truth bombs on you!

The good news: there IS a better, attainable and safer way to get the results you want while maintaining them long term!!

I help my clients gain confidence in themselves, their food choices and their overall lifestyle which includes eating the foods they LOVE!

You can catch some of their success stories here!

If they can do it, why can’t you?! 

Weight Management. Boston Medical Center. (2021, June 1). https://www.bmc.org/nutrition-and-weight-management/weight-management. 


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